Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse of Delegated Authority Data: How to Manage Your Data Overload

Written at Oct 29, 2024 1:52:37 PM by Charlie Rock
Picture this: a zombie apocalypse is unfolding, and you’re surrounded on all sides by the walking dead. There’s no escape, and you’re overwhelmed. Now, imagine the same scenario, but instead of zombies, you’re drowning in bordereaux — endless rows and columns of data with no clear direction or escape route. Sound familiar? In today’s business world, many of us face a similar kind of apocalypse: data overload. When spreadsheets become unmanageable, they can feel just as threatening as a horde of zombies closing in. The good news is, just like in any apocalyptic scenario, there are applications you can use to survive and regain control. Here's how distriBind can help you overcome the horde…
- Stay Calm and Assess the Situation
In any zombie apocalypse, the first step is to stay calm and take stock of your surroundings. Similarly, when you're overwhelmed with spreadsheet data, don’t panic. Assess the situation by understanding the scale of the data you’re dealing with. Identify the most crucial information that you need to address immediately—this could be your “survival essentials,” like key performance metrics or financial summaries. Prioritizing will help you cut through the noise and avoid being paralyzed by the volume of data.
- Build a Strong Defense: distriBind
In a zombie apocalypse, building a strong defense is crucial to survival. When it comes to data, your strongest defense is distriBind. Poorly structured spreadsheets are a breeding ground for confusion, errors, and lost time. At distriBind, we can take your raw file and process it quickly. You don’t have to wait for the whole file to load before getting insightful data, you can see the risks, premium or claims loading in the blink of an eye, allowing you to relax, sit back, and stick on a scary film.
We will categorise the bad data, give you the tools to correct it whilst allowing the good data to flow seamlessly through our application, ready to be used for your needs (processing to a finance system, a PAS or a re-insurer).
- Use MI Tools: Arm Yourself with the Right Weapons
In a zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't survive long with just a stick. You need the right weapons to defend yourself. The same goes for managing spreadsheets over the lifecycle of the contract.
The more data you load the, the more distriBind will learn the trends and provide underwriters with insights into how the premium is growing, or not growing. Allowing you to make the right decision.
- Collaborate: Don’t Go It Alone
Survivors in a zombie apocalypse know that going solo is a death sentence. The same is true when dealing with spreadsheets. Large datasets often require input and expertise from multiple people. Why not book a demo or a discovery call, and let’s see if we can stop that horde!
Conclusion: Surviving the Data Apocalypse
Dealing with data overload on spreadsheets can feel like you're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse—overwhelming, chaotic, and nearly impossible to escape. But with the right mindset and application (Us 😊), you can survive. By staying calm, with the knowledge there is no pre-processing because you are using distriBind, leveraging MI, collaborating with your team, and staying vigilant for errors, you'll be equipped to turn the chaos into clarity. After all, in both zombie apocalypses and spreadsheet overloads, survival is about staying prepared and never losing sight of what matters most.