My Journey: 1 Year at distriBind

Written at Jul 24, 2024 3:00:06 PM by Cameron Roberts


A full year has passed since the first time I stepped into Lloyds and started working at distriBind, and you know what they say - time really does fly when you’re having fun.

Joining distriBind was a completely unique experience for me, from leaving school after A-Levels, binning any thoughts of university and going straight to working in insurance (not a typical scenario I know) to then joining a start-up.

No job comes without its challenges, and there were plenty to go round. It was an eventful first week to say the least, joining and going through training and client meetings in the first week. Being involved in a project from day one had me feeling, at times, as if I was out of my depth, but it gave me a chance to experience firsthand the day-to-day responsibilities at an early stage – and on reflection I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

The reception I have had from the minute I stepped in the building, and even ongoing now, has been amazing. I could not ask for more from the team that I work with on a day-to-day basis, from solving issues, onboarding customers to attending conferences, it has all been an experience never to forget.

One of the main highlights from my first year are the relationships I have built. From colleagues, mentors to clients – each and every interaction has been hugely important to myself and my career. Attending the conferences, such as ITI Europe, or even the smaller InsTech events, have helped me discover the importance of networking within the industry and allowing me to connect with people from so many different backgrounds.

Looking back on the first year, I am so grateful for the challenges presented to me and the support from everybody to help me overcome them. The skills and knowledge I have gained and the relationships I have built are only just scratching the surface of my future in the field.

Looking ahead, I am excited about the possibilities, to continue my professional development – and more importantly, to continue to provide a great product to our clients.

To wrap things up, my first year at distriBind has been an amazing and transformative journey. From coming in as a Junior BA to being promoted within half a year, it has been challenging but hugely rewarding at the same time. I have learned that with perseverance, support, and a willingness to learn – I can overcome any challenge. As I start on my second year, I am excited for what lies ahead, and excited to experience all this with the most amazing people to be around.

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Cameron Roberts

Business Analyst

Cameron joined as a Junior Business Analyst in July 2023 and is part of the product team. As a Junior Business Analyst, Cameron’s role involves consistent communication between both internal & external stakeholders, support during configuration of the system and providing requirements to developers to aid product enhancements.
