Are you ready for 2025?

Written at Jan 29, 2024 12:53:15 PM by Dave Connors

Are you ready for 2025?

Here are 4 ways that distriBind can help you to be ready for 2025. 

It was in the spring of 2019 – a different lifetime – when I first spoke publicly about distriBind, which until then had been in stealth mode. It was big-day for the Connors house, as not only was there this presentation to do, but my daughter had a morning at school to be ready for Reception in the September.  The presentation I made was at a conference called “Insurance 2025”, and the focus was on the future and how the industry would and needed to change to embrace it. 

The pandemic will have delayed and disrupted some elements of change but also accelerated others as new ways of working have required flexible approaches to communication and collaboration. But overall, we’re not quite where many of the presenters – myself included – thought we might be. My presentation was entitled “Bordereaux-free Delegated Authority” which rather encapsulates the optimism and naivete that marks the early-stage first-time founder.  

2025 is less than 12 months away. Is it too late to make bold steps towards that bright future? Not with distriBind. 

Here’s some practical ways we can help you get ready for 2025: 

We can cure your spreadsheet addiction: we are working on a few different projects across 3 separate clients where the value chain includes no spreadsheets – we’re either receiving data in real-time via API, or processing XML. We don’t do one-size fits all. Incremental revolution might sound like an oxymoron, but this is what we deliver. Each of your accounts can provide data in a different format and frequency, but distriBind will provide you a single platform and process for them all. 

We really mean it: even for those accounts where the bordereaux needs to remain, distriBind eliminates the need for manually pre-processing or editing the spreadsheet before loading. 

Fast on-boarding: we take an iterative roll-out approach to implementation, allowing you to get benefit quickly as we prioritise key accounts for go-live.  

Modular approach: some of our clients only process risk & premium, some process the whole lifecycle including claims and cash, and we’re about to embark on our first claims-only implementation. Whatever your need, our modular platform and flexible engagement model can get you up and running quickly and provide fast benefits. 

If you’d like to discuss how distriBind can enable your 2025 readiness, please get in touch. 

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Dave Connors

